How we do it: A 360º offering

Tower teams up with value investors who believe that sound real estate investing starts with the creativity to see the potential in properties or markets that others may overlook.

We believe it requires a wide spectrum of skills as well as the operational experience and ability to successfully implement strategies addressing redevelopments, physical or operating issues to unlock value.
We have a deep sector knowledge and experience in all aspects of real estate that we put to work for our investors and partners. Our team has over 30 years of experience in real estate and construction. We work alongside operational partners based in Alicante, Luxembourg and Madrid allowing a geographical coverage that ensures a “boots on the ground” approach in both sell side and buy side key markets.
Tower has the capability to facilitate co-investments for third-party transactions who wish to benefit from the efficiency of Luxembourg Securitisation Vehicles. As such, it allows for the creation of undertakings with multiple umbrella structures, where each compartment is effectively (“ring-fenced").
Proven track record in development, being a market leader in the regions that we have invested in.
We leverage our strong experience in construction to deliver for our investors.

We have over 30 years of sector knowledge and experience in all aspects of real estate.


Transaction focus


Through active asset management, we developed a positive track record of repositioning assets. This allows us to focus on acquisitions of properties that can be redevelopped by updating the project‘s focus or its physical structure.

Tower Alternative Investments

Tower's primary real estate target market is Spain and Luxembourg, while secondary target real estate markets include Italy, Portugal and Greece. In North America, Tower’s main focus is in Canada.

Tower Alternative Investments


Tower focuses primarily on residential and commercial properties, as well as hospitality and specialty real estate projects. It’s structure as a Luxembourg securitisation vehicle enables it to facilitate co-investments in other private equity projects.

Tower Alternative Investments

Tower finances its acquisitions through the emission of a variety of securities to be crafted based on the risk and return profile of its investors. These may include debt, equity, or a combination of both.

Tower Alternative Investments


Securitisation is defined under the securitisation Law

as the transaction by which a securitisation undertaking acquires (true sale securitisation) or assumes (synthetic securitisation)